
Fw: Welcome Back to School on August 15th!

  Welcome Back Cobras to the 2022/23 school year!    Good Morning Parents/Guardians, Welcome to another new school year! I am excited to see your child this coming Monday August 15 th  at 7:50am . The grade six team will be outside the grade six doors ready to welcome all of their students to the 2022-23 school year. Please see the attached picture of the door you will meet at. About myself: My name is Pascal Mueller, and I have the pleasure of teaching your child this year. Our homeroom will be room 29 in the grade 7 hallway and my email is . (Feel free to email or call anytime.) I am new to Crossing Park School but have taught grade six for several years in the CBE. For the past 5 years I taught at Beddington Heights Elementary School in Beddington, just on the other side of Deerfoot Trail. I was born and raised in Europe where I taught grades 5-10 be...
  Dear Parents & Guardians, This will be my very last blog message!  I want to say a big "Thank you" to all parents & family members for your support this year. As mentioned in my farewell speech, I was always looking forward to every single day of work with these  amazing students and young people!  My class did a great job in the difficult PAT exams. Of course  there were also some downs but many  more ups. You can read about their success and areas for growth in the CBE report cards. As this will also be my las year at BHS, I also want to say a heartfelt "Goodbye" to a wonderful  community! I started out in 2017 and spent 5 years teaching in Beddington. My new assignment takes  me back to my roots, teaching at Crossing Park School (K-9). Reminders: 1) Tomorrow is the last day of school! Report Cards will be online on MyCBE / Powerschool! 2) We are having a final year end assembly . All parents are invited . Below are our winners for the...
  Dear Parents & Guardians, Today we had our drumming celebration in the gym. It was great to hear all grades perform their beats & rhythms. Monday, June 23rd: Board Game Day  Students are encouraged to bring a board or card game they would like to teach to their classmates. I am sending home the Alberta Health "Ask an Adult" note. This officially concludes our Human Sexuality unit. Tuesday, June 24th:  Report Cards will go live on Powerschool for you to see Last day of class - We dismiss at 2:40 as usual. Final Pillars of Care Assembly For this final assembly everybody is invited to attend.  I am sending home a note to the parents of the 5 winners for our class today. Please send a backpack or tote bag to school tomorrow or before the last day of school. We are doing a final desk clean and I am sending everything home. Have a great weekend!
Dear Parents & Guardians, Tomorrow we are having a whole school drumming  assembly to celebrate this week's drumming workshop. Our grade sixers will practice their piece one last time with our musician in residence. Upcoming events all on Tuesday, June 24th Report Cards will go live on Powerschool for you to see Last day of class - We dismiss at 2:40 as usual. Final Pillars of Care Assembly For this final assembly everybody is invited to attend.  I will send home a note to the parents of the 5 winners for our class tomorrow. Please send a backpack or tote bag to school tomorrow or before the last day of school. We are doing a final desk clean and I am sending everything home. On Monday, students are allowed to bring a board/ card game to school.  We will be having a game day where students can teach each other board or card games. Games incorporate many valuable skills related to the program of studies: - reading - math - strategy - social studies context (e.g. Settle...
 Dear Parents & Guardians, Here are a few important dates and reminders: 1) The Last Day of Class is next Tuesday, June 28th. 2) Report Cards will be accessible online via PowerSchool this year again. There will not be any paper copy being sent home. 3) This week Beddington Heights is welcoming a 1-week drumming residency. Your child will be learning some drumming and rhythm skills during their music block. 4) Please send some sun protection in form of hats, cappies, sunscreen, etc. We will be going outside  more often to verse other grade six classes in multiple sporting events. 5) Also this week, we are teaching the Human Sexuality unit. I encourage you to talk to your child about the topics we cover in class. a) male and female sex organs / changes during puberty b) pregnancy & fetal development c) blood-borne diseases and their prevention
  Dear Parents & Grade Six Families, It was wonderful to see so many of you during our Farewell today. My class will be surely missed once the school year ends on June 28th. Last PAT - Monday,  June 20th - Math Part B (40 Questions) In case you want to set some time aside to practice, there are 2 tests assigned on Mathletics that cover the entirety of grade 6. Quest A+ has more PAT Math questions should you be interested. I personally recommend about 1/hour per day.  
  Dear Parents & Grade Six Families, Tomorrow at 10:30 am is our "Farewell Assembly" for our grade sixers! Please arrive a few minutes (10-15 min) early to get seated. Students are allowed to dress up, if you wish to do so.  I am looking forward to meeting and celebrating your child's elementary journey with you and our  whole school community. Our parent council will have some refreshments prepared for the time after  the official assembly. Last PAT for this week - Math part A (15 computation questions). If you wish to practice Quest A+ has another practice test. PAT sample test So far our class has been doing a great job in the PATs.  I am very content with the students putting forth their best effort. You will receive their preliminary results on the report card by the end  of June.