Dear Parents & Guardians,
Important updates and reminders:
- No school this Friday, October 8th => System-wide PD-Day
- No school on Monday, October 11th => Thanksgiving Long Weekend
- Picture Day is Coming to BHS => October 19th - I sent home a reminder with your child.
Today we had our first lesson on Robo Coding and experiences quite a bit of technical difficulty.
I am hopeful that the website won't be as glitchy next week. If you want to, you can have your child try
to code from home. Their usernames and passwords are very easy to remember.
In Social Studies we learnt about FREJ yesterday. This acronym describes the 4 Pillars of our
Canadian Democracy:
Freedom - individual rights of each citizens
Representation - elected representatives in government that give citizens a voice
Equity - fairness
Justice - laws that govern society (courts & police)
Representation - elected representatives in government that give citizens a voice
Equity - fairness
Justice - laws that govern society (courts & police)
In the next few days students are going to create 1-2 skits on the principles of equity - equality and diversity to explore this concept in more depth.
Equality = sameness
Equity = fairness