Welcome back to week 7 of School!
This short four day week should be very quick and engaging for our students in grade 6.
Tomorrow we are doing ROBO Garden and I have been informed that the website has fixed some
of the challenges.
Upcoming Events and reminders:
- social studies skits will be performed this week starting Thursday.
- Concrete Poems are due by Thursday as well.
- No school on Monday, October 18th due to a system-wide PD-Day
- October 19th is PictureDay.
- IPP forms will be sent home by Friday this week to parents (only applies to parents whose child are on an IPP).
Our Learning in class today:
Math: Multiplying whole and decimal numbers (long multiplication skills)
LA: Learning about different forms of poetry (couplet and tercet)
Social Studies: Work time in groups to develop their equity and equality skits
Science: Grouping deciduous broad leaves by type, shape, margin & arrangement.
Stay tuned for more in depth updates on each subject with examples!