Dear Parents & Guardians,
1) Spelling Test tomorrow on LA - Descriptive Words
2) Pillars of Care Assembly tomorrow at 8:30 am.
3) Last class time to work on the social studies "city project" => Students can complete it over the long weekend.
4) Monday, January 31st is a PD-Day - No school for students.
5) New tasks were uploaded to Google Classroom (if your child is absent due to isolation you can access learning resources via their google account)
Below, I am sharing a few announcements that may/ may only partially or may not all concern your child.
1) IPPs (Individual Program Plans) are being sent home with students on an IPP. Please return the last page after reviewing the document and signing it.
2) Students who are volunteering to start traffic patrol:
Mr. Lancee and Mr. Shackelton