Dear Parents & Guardians,

Important updates and reminders:

- Spelling Quiz this Friday on Narrative/ Descriptive words (see list on Monday's blog)

- Social Studies city project is due on Friday - many students took their work home today to add to their city

- Pillars of Care Assembly this Friday:

Today I will announce the winners for this month's Pillars of Care Awards.

Our class will have the honor of presenting in front of the whole school.

Scroll down to see the winners and the reasons why they have been selected.

GRADE 6 Mr. Mueller

Care for Others: Tawkee has shown Care for Others in many ways this month. For instance, he helped new students access Mathletics and explained how to log into computers and Google Classroom. He also works well with his peers in group tasks.

Care for Learning: Sridhar joined our class only two weeks ago. Nevertheless he is very engaged in all of the learning activities and ensures that his work is of a high standard. He actively shares his ideas in class discussions and completed all of his Mathleitcs tasks! Keep up the great work.

Care for Place: Matty - This month's Care for Place winner is Matty. He is part of the clean team in his classroom job in January and truly fits this role. His desk area is neat and tidy and he willingly volunteered to empty out the recycling bins and help out with many other tasks such as wiping the whiteboard

Care for Self: Lennox - Lennox deserves this award as she demonstrated Care or Self by catching up on her learning goals after having missed a few days. For instance, she completed all the build up Mathletics tasks and managed to complete more questions on tests.

Pillar of the Month: Teagan - Teagan deserves the Wisdom Award as he truly has a huge wealth of knowledge which he uses to make good and informed decisions. For instance, in his social studies city project he created a website about his town and included many extra details and services.

Math update:

Yesterday & today students measured and created the different types of triangles.

We will continue to practice the use of protractor and how to created and identify specific 

triangles and angles in the coming days.

Below is an overview. As you may recall many of terms were spelling words last week in LA. 

types of triangles

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