Dear Parents & Guardians,

1) 2nd Walking Field Trip to Confluence Park

 I have emailed all listed parents & guardians with information about our upcoming field trip tomorrow.

As usual, this walking field trip does not require any signatures. We will be staying in a 2km radius of

the school. Please ensure that all students bring a jacket and good footwear.

We will be leaving in the afternoon at around 1:15pm and be back before dismissal (2:30pm).

2) In math we have started to learn about integers.

Students will be exposed to a number of word problems and have to solve addition and subtraction problems involving negative and positive numbers.

Ex.:        -7 + -3 = -10            -16 + +2 = 14        -9 - - 3 = - 6 (subtracting a negative = adding )

3) Ask your child about their knowledge of air pressure. In the properties of air lessons we are conducting a series of experiments involving air pressure. Today we lifted 12 heavy textbooks using only a balloon and compressed air.

4) In Art, our class created flower cards using pastel crayons to add to the memorial our school

will hold for Mrs. Paolini.

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