Dear Parents & Guardians,

Important updates and reminders:

1) ECO / Outdoor School - Our grade 6 classes are slotted to attend outdoor school on March 28th to March 31st. As of today I am not yet sure what outdoor school will look like due to the easing of Covid-restrictions. I am waiting for further clarification but am in contact with YMCA organizers at Camp Chief Hector and Mr. Hebert/ Our Area office of the CBE. I will let you know as soon as I get the green light to plan the program.

2) LA 

a) Spelling Test this Friday - see list below

b) Update on story writing:

In LA, students are writing personal narrative / fictional stories. I have returned the February story students wrote a few weeks back and gave each student specific feedback on it. Yesterday we wrote another story which I will mark and talk about during the parent teacher interviews. The student's goals are to write proper sentences, attend to punctuation, create plots that have a problem/conflict and resolution. 
In class we practise to include a mix of description - action - dialogue in each paragraph. Another goal is the use of transition words and linking device to connect ideas/ sentences and paragraphs.

Our first PAT test will be in early May and is in Language Arts. 
Students will be assessed on their story writing skills and also have to create a news report from a set of prompts. This will be our teaching focus in April.

3) In science students are working this week on their Sky Science presentations. I will post the task outline and rubric tomorrow on this blog.

4) In Social Studies we have started the presentations on their famous person of the Black History Month Project. Each student research and influential member of the African-Canadian/ American community and is presenting their life and achievements.

Spelling Words:


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