Dear Parents & Guardians,

Thank you all for booking appointments for today's and tomorrow's Parent-Teacher Conferences.

There is still a chance to do so, in case you want to book for Friday morning.

Updates and Reminders

  • Spelling Test results are being sent home today
  • LA - marked Novel study check-in (is being sent home today)
  • No school on Friday, November 26th
  • Basic Operations / Computation 15 Qs assessment tomorrow (every 3-weeks).
  • Our Pillars of Care Winners for November are posted below.

LA: Work samples sent are being sent home.

Please ask your child to show you their LA novel study check-in. There were 2 tasks that students had to complete and that we marked this week. A character tracker, as well as some reflect and connect comprehension questions about chapters 1-6. We have given students personalized feedback as well as a mark on each tasks from Level 1-4 (IPP or ADP = adapted /reduced work load).

1 - needs improvement - not meeting grade level expectations

2 - meets basic expectations/ adequate understanding (more details needed)

3 - proficient understanding

4 - excellent understanding

November - Courage

Congrats to all our winners. In only 3 weeks time, there will be another round. If your child hasn't won an award so far, there is a high likely hood that I will be looking specifically at your child for positive attitudes and a growth mind set. We just can't hand out more than 5 awards at a time.

Care for Others - Adan - As students worked on their Reflect & Connect worksheets for our novel study, Adan observed that a fellow classmate wanted to draw a cat for the one item she would take with her in the event of an emergency. His classmate did not know how to draw a cat and so, Adan offered to draw the cat for her. Adan also constantly helps translate instruction to a fellow classmate who primarily speaks Spanish.

Care for Learning - Paul - Paul really impressed us in the last few weeks and has stepped up to the challenge when being tasked to improve his work. He revised and edited his first drafts to create a fantastic Concrete Poem. In math he analyzed and created several math graphs and completed many Mathletics assignments. 

Care for Place - Ayden - Congratulations go to Ayden for doing a great job at keeping his desk space neater and doing chores around the classroom. This month he also was a great helper with recycling, erasing the whiteboard and sweeping the floors.

Care for Self - Tessa - Kudos to Tessa this month for challenging herself to complete as many Mathletics tasks as possible whenever we have technology time. She even enrolled in LIVE challenges with students around the CBE to push herself further. Tessa has been racing to find information in her copy of Refugee when we have class discussions about the novel to demonstrate her understanding of the novel.

Pillar of the Month: - Tawkee - Tawkee has demonstrated great courage by challenging himself to complete extension tasks and stepping outside of his comfort zone. He was hesitant to draw for his Character Track Sheet but decided to draw in how he pictured the characters anyways. Tawkee also took a risk by working on an extension task in math. After our class measured out the dimensions of the playground during recess last week, they were challenged to measure the area and perimeter of the playground which was challenging as it is two shapes combined together. Tawkee was not deterred by this challenge and took it in stride.


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