Dear Parents Guardians,

In Week 3 after the Spring Break, we are having a 4-day school week due to Good Friday being a non-instructional day. Also, next Monday, Easter Monday, is a day off for students.

Important updates and reminders:

1) No school on Friday, April 15th and Monday, April 18th.

2) Tomorrow we are going to have a science check-in to assess your child's learning about the properties of air.  Today, we will review the concepts in class and fill out a concept map/ graphic organizer.

3) There will also be another reading assessment later this week (possibly Wednesday or Thursday).

Our LA - reading assessments are a great way to prepare students for the PAT reading exam.

We have been doing reading comprehension quizzes with Bloom's Questions since October.

Each time we keep the same 6-question format. This round, we are also teaching a specific inferencing tool. 

The is a snapshot of said tool. 

Observe = Describe what you see/ read in a picture/text.

Wonder = ask a related question

Infer = Use you observation and world knowledge to make an educated inferences.

In math we started to learn about the order of operations.

In class we are using the acronym BEDMAS or PEMDAS

Order of operations practice tasks:



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