Dear Parents & Guardians,

Here are a few important dates and reminders:

1) The Last Day of Class is next Tuesday, June 28th.

2) Report Cards will be accessible online via PowerSchool this year again.

There will not be any paper copy being sent home.

3) This week Beddington Heights is welcoming a 1-week drumming residency. Your child will be

learning some drumming and rhythm skills during their music block.

4) Please send some sun protection in form of hats, cappies, sunscreen, etc. We will be going outside 

more often to verse other grade six classes in multiple sporting events.

5) Also this week, we are teaching the Human Sexuality unit. I encourage you to talk to your child about

the topics we cover in class.

a) male and female sex organs / changes during puberty

b) pregnancy & fetal development

c) blood-borne diseases and their prevention

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